Aiming to study abroad?

Let us help you achieve your dreams.

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Gradicle is a proud host of passionate young minds who aim to excel in their own careers & help the whole community in their path towards studying abroad in the U.S.


Parth Vijyavergiya

Higher education expert Parth has been guiding millions of students for over 7 years achieve the height of their dreams. Watch his extensive videos for tips and tricks about building a life and career you’re proud of!


Researching about when, how and where to study abroad gets confusing. That’s why for years we have been on a mission to help students ace their dreams. Start by diving deep into the most commonly asked questions by aspiring students.

  • US is still the clear winner when it comes to hosting the most number of international students every year. A big reason why more and more people are flocking to this country is the unique combination of pros overriding the cons. Starting from interesting course options to networking opportunities, if you are aspiring to accelerate your career by pursuing a US education, there are 5 big reasons why you are on the right career track.

  • With the kind of efforts international students put into their applications, waiting for that one admit from your dream university can seem like an eternity. There are a few specifics you need to keep in mind like your GRE/GMAT and IELTS/TOEFL score, credentials from your last degree, multiple LORs and a hundred other things. We have a blueprint for how you can streamline this whole process.

  • You just needed one admit, and now you have multiple! Most students in this scenario go through a lot of analysis paralysis and the crucial decision -making process is delayed. Consider factors like location, ROI, internship opportunities and community before you take the final call.